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Child Support – Why Do I Have To Pay, And How Is It Calculated?
  • By: Mireya Lacayo, Esq.
  • Published: May 10, 2022

In the State of Florida, each parent has a fundamental obligation to support his or her child, whether their child is a minor or a legally dependent child. Fla. Stat. §61.29. This child support obligation is impose by the state not one parent to the other. Fla. Stat §61.30 – Child Support Guidelines Child Support Guidelines is the starting point used to determine a child support award. The following are amounts used when calculating Child Support Guidelines: Gross Income Gross income for child support purposes includes: one’s salary/wages, bonuses, commissions, allowances, overtime, and tips, business income from self-employment, partnership,…Read More

I Want To Modify Our Parenting Plan – How Can We Accomplish This?
  • By: Mireya Lacayo, Esq.
  • Published: April 1, 2022

Consider the Best Interest(s) of the Child(ren): When establishing or modifying parental responsibility and/or a parenting plan, including a timesharing schedule, the best interest of the child remains the primary consideration. A presumption that an established timesharing schedule is in the best interest of the child(ren) is created when ratified by the Court. In order to modify that which is already in existence, there must be a showing of substantial, material, and unanticipated change in circumstances and a determination that the modification is in the best interest of the child(ren). This is an extraordinary burden to meet. What Does Not Constitute A Substantial Change In Circumstances? The…Read More

Florida Alimony – What Kinds Of Alimony Am I Eligible For?
  • By: Mireya Lacayo, Esq.
  • Published: March 22, 2022

Florida Statute Section 61.08 Since 1980, Section 61.08 Florida Statutes has provided the statutory authority for a court to award a spouse alimony in a divorce proceeding. Most recently amended in 2012, Florida’s alimony laws provide five distinct forms of alimony that may be awarded. The Statute additionally provides specific language identifying appropriate alimony remedies. Today, (03.22.2022) the types of alimony available are temporary, bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, and permanent. Alimony awards can be paid periodically, as a lump sum payment, or both. How Will The Court Determine My Eligibility For Alimony? Section 61.08(2) Florida Statutes instructs Courts to a multi-step analysis in determining whether…Read More

Children’s Issues – Parenting Plans
  • By: Mireya Lacayo, Esq.
  • Published: December 9, 2021

Parenting Plan: What Is A “Parenting Plan?” And Discussing Parental Responsibility Parenting Plan – Defined Florida Statute § 61.046(14) defines a “Parenting Plan” to mean a document created to govern the relationship between the parents relating to decisions that must be made regarding the minor child(ren). A Parenting Plan must contain a timesharing schedule for the parents and child(ren). Does The Judge Or Court Create Our Parenting Plan? Although the Court must approve of the Parties Parenting Plan, the Court/Judge may not be the creator of the Parenting Plan in its entirety. A Parenting Plan can be developed and…Read More

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